Ch. 6 Top Down Modeling - Decomposing Components

So far we have modeled several individual components of an alarm clock but have yet to model the complete system. In this chapter, we’ll be exploring the top down modeling capabilities of the System Descriptor (SD) language. We’ll start by creating a top level component of the entire alarm clock system. We’ll then decompose the system into individual components.

First, we’ll create the model that represents the top level element that we will call AlarmClock. Our system is a simple standalone system. It contains all the components it needs to function. As a result, it won’t have inputs or outputs. It will only consist of sub-components which will we model as parts.

package alarm
import alarm.Clock
model AlarmClock {
  parts {
      Clock clock

Our initial model contains only a single ‘part’ field named clock. Like other types of fields, a ‘part’ field contains a model type (Clock) and a name (clock). The field is enclosed in the parts block.

Our alarm clock already contains a clock component that tracks time. We need to create two additional components: a component for managing the alarms and a component for allowing the user control the alarm clock. We’ll call these two components Alarm and AlarmController, respectively. These will be parts of the AlarmClock.

Adding new parts

package alarm
import alarm.Clock
import alarm.Alarm
import alarm.AlarmController
model AlarmClock {
  parts {
      Clock clock
      Alarm alarm
      AlarmController controller

The Alarm Component

The Alarm component is responsible for triggering alarms and deactivating alarms. The AlarmController component will handle the user interaction and provide the actual alarm time settings as provided by the user. The controller will also handle notifying the user of an alarm. As a result, our first cut of the Alarm model looks something like this:

package alarm
model Alarm {
    scenario triggerAlarm {
    scenario deactivateAlarm {

This model has two empty scenarios: one for triggering an alarm and one for deactivating an alarm. We need to define some inputs and outputs for completing these scenarios. We’ll also need new data types for acknowledging the alarm as well as triggering an alarm. Will create these two data types as shown below. AlarmAcknowledgement is used to acknowledge and deactivate an alarm while AlarmStatus is used to notify that an alarm has been triggered.

package alarm
data AlarmAcknowledgement {
    int alarmId
    boolean alarmAcknowledged

package alarm
data AlarmStatus {
    int id
    boolean active

We can now complete the Alarm component. This component will receive the configured alarm time, the current time, and acknowledged alarms as input. It will produce alarms as outputs. We can now add these fields and complete the scenarios.


package alarm
import alarm.AlarmStatus
import alarm.ZonedTime
import alarm.AlarmAcknowledgement
model Alarm {
  input {
        ZonedTime currentTime
        ZonedTime alarmTime
        AlarmAcknowledgement alarmAcknowledgement
    output {
        AlarmStatus alarmStatus
    scenario triggerAlarm {
        given haveReceived alarmTime
        when receiving currentTime
        then willPublish alarmStatus
    scenario deactivateAlarm {
        when receiving alarmAcknowledgement
        then willPublish alarmStatus

The scenario triggerAlarm indicates that the alarm component will publish alarm status events when the current time is received. In order for this scenario to be activated, the alarm time must have been received. We don’t define under what circumstances that the alarm is generated. We’ll define this level of detail in the accompanying test cases that we’ll describe in Ch. 7.
The scenario deactivateAlarm will trigger when an acknowledgment is received. The component will then publish an updated alarm status indicating the alarm should be deactivated.

The AlarmController Component

The AlarmController component is how users interact with the alarm clock. We don’t model actual users. Instead, we consider the AlarmController component to be at the boundary of our system. We’ll use special verbs to indicate that this component interacts with components that are not modeled.

The AlarmController will output alarm times and alarm acknowledgements as configured by the user. The controller will receive alarm status that indicate an alarm has been triggered or deactivated. We model this as follows:

package alarm
import alarm.ZonedTime
import alarm.AlarmStatus
import alarm.AlarmAcknowledgement
model AlarmController {
    input {
        AlarmStatus alarmStatus
    output {
        ZonedTime alarmTime
        AlarmAcknowledgement alarmAcknowledgement
    scenario setAlarmTime {
        when interacting with user
        then willPublish alarmTime
    scenario notifyUserOfAlarm {
        when recieving alarmStatus
        then willInteract with user
    scenario acknowledgeAlarm {
        when interacting with user
        then willPublish alarmAcknowledgement

This model has three scenarios:

  • setAlarmTime - This scenario describes the behavior when the user sets the alarm time.
  • notifyUserOfAlarm - This scenario describes what happens when an alarm is trigger.
  • acknowledgeAlarm - This scenario describes what happens when the user acknowledges as alarm.

Note the use of the interact verb. We use this verb to indicate that this component will interact with an external component. It this case, that is the user. We don’t define how this interaction occurs, only that it does.

Linking Parts Together

We now have three components of our alarm clock. Recall our AlarmClock model looks like this:

package alarm
import alarm.Clock
import alarm.Alarm
import alarm.AlarmController
model AlarmClock {
  parts {
      Clock clock
      Alarm alarm
      AlarmController controller

We have defined each of these components but we haven’t described how these components interact together to form the upper level AlarmClock system. We can use the language’s concept of a link to do this. Links are used to connect inputs and outputs from one part to another. For example, we can connect the currentTime output of the clock part to the currentTime input of the alarm part.

Adding links

package alarm
import alarm.Alarm
import alarm.AlarmController
import alarm.Clock
model AlarmClock {
  parts {
      Alarm alarm
      AlarmController controller
      Clock clock
  links {
      link clock.currentTime -> alarm.currentTime

The link notation follows this pattern: link partName.fieldName -> partName.fieldName

Links are directional. The direction of the arrow indicates the direction of data flow. Outputs are typically listed on the left side of the arrow and inputs are listed on the right side of the arrow. The fields on both sides of the arrow that are linked must be the same type.

We can now connect the outputs of the controller to the inputs of the alarm. We can also connect the outputs of the alarm to the inputs of the controller:

Adding links

package alarm
import alarm.Alarm
import alarm.AlarmController
import alarm.Clock
model AlarmClock {
  parts {
      Alarm alarm
      AlarmController controller
      Clock clock
  links {
      link clock.currentTime -> alarm.currentTime
      link controller.alarmTime -> alarm.alarmTime
      link controller.alarmAcknowledgement -> alarm.alarmAcknowledgement
      link alarm.alarmStatus -> controller.alarmStatus

Any model can contain links or parts. In many cases, links and parts are only found in models of integrated systems as opposed to individual components. It is also possible to connect an input field of the model itself to an input of part of the model. Likewise, an output field of the model can be linked to the output of a model’s part. Links should not be used to create connections directly between inputs and outputs of the same model. Use scenarios to convey that.