Ch. 9 A Case Study - Modeling a Threat Evaluation System as an MSA

In this section, we’ll deep dive into a specific use case. We’ll create a model of a complex system and fully model one of this sub-components. This sub-component will be responsible for doing threat evaluation of tracks. The overall system or product will have various responsibilities, all dealing with tracking objects, classifying them, and potentially engaging them. The name of this product will be Archipelago. The architecture of the product will be event/subscriber (ie, pub/sub) based.

First, create a new SD project named Archipelago. Our default package will be com.ngc.seaside.archipelago. The main component that represents the entire system will reside in this package and be named Archipelago:

package com.ngc.seaside.archipelago
model Archipelago {
  metadata {
    "stereotypes" : ["system", "product"]

We use the system and product stereotypes to help identify what kind of component this model represents. Our Archipelago product has the following responsibilities:

  • tracking objects
  • classifying objects
  • determining the areas or positions impacted or threatened by tracked objects
  • creating engagement plans against objects
  • and finally determining the threat of track objects

Each of these responsibilities can be allocated to a sub-system or sub-component of Archipelago. We’ll declare these components using the parts keyword. We’ll create a model for each of these responsibilities. Each of these models carries the system stereotype.

Adding sub systems to Archipelago

package com.ngc.seaside.archipelago
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.tracking.Tracker
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat.ThreatEvaluation
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.engagementplanning.EngagementPlanner
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.defendedarea.AreaManager
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.classification.ObjectClassification
model Archipelago {
  metadata {
    "stereotypes" : ["system", "product"]
  parts {
      ThreatEvaluation threatEval // determines the threat of track objects
      Tracker tracker // tracks objects
      EngagementPlanner planner // creates engagement plans against objects
      AreaManager areaManager // determines the areas or positions impacted or threatened by tracked objects
      ObjectClassification classification // classifies objects

Note that we have placed each component into its own package to help organize the model. Throughout this chapter, we’ll expand and refine the ThreatEvaluation system. We will simply stub out the remaining systems in order to define the interface between the ThreatEvaluation system and the other systems.

Modeling ng Data

ThreatEvaluation needs data for tracks, classification, impact assessments, etc in order to prioritize threats. This data must be modeled and listed as inputs for the ThreatEvaluation system. We can model the inputs to the system as follows:

package com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.tracking.datatype.SystemTrack
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.classification.datatype.Classification
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.engagementplanning.datatype.TrackEngagementStatus
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.defendedarea.datatype.ImpactAssessment
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.tracking.datatype.DroppedSystemTrack
model ThreatEvaluation {
    metadata {
        "stereotypes": ["system"]
    input {
        SystemTrack systemTrack
        Classification systemTrackClassification
        TrackEngagementStatus trackEngagementStatus
        ImpactAssessment impactAssessment
        DroppedSystemTrack droppedSystemTrack

Again, we have placed the data structure in various datatype packages. We choose which package the data resides in by making following decisions:

  1. Tracking is responsible for reporting new, updated, and removed (i.e. dropped) system tracks.
  2. Classification is responsible for reporting system track classification.
  3. Defended Area Management is responsible for reporting impact assessments of tracks.
  4. Engagement Planning is responsible for reporting on the engagement status of tracks.

Finally, ThreatEvaluation itself must report on track priorities. We list PrioritizedSystemTrackIdentifiers as an output of the system to capture this:

Adding an output to ThreatEvaluation

package com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.tracking.datatype.SystemTrack
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.classification.datatype.Classification
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.engagementplanning.datatype.TrackEngagementStatus
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.defendedarea.datatype.ImpactAssessment
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.tracking.datatype.DroppedSystemTrack
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat.datatype.PrioritizedSystemTrackIdentifiers
model ThreatEvaluation {
    metadata {
        "stereotypes": ["system"]
    input {
        SystemTrack systemTrack
        Classification systemTrackClassification
        TrackEngagementStatus trackEngagementStatus
        ImpactAssessment impactAssessment
        DroppedSystemTrack droppedSystemTrack
    output {
        PrioritizedSystemTrackIdentifiers prioritizedSystemTracks

We will define the content of these data messages later, as needed. For now, we simply declare them as empty data structures.

Defining High Level Behavior and Interaction

At this point, we can add high level scenarios to the ThreatEvaluation system to refine its responsibilities:

Adding an scenarios to ThreatEvaluation

package com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.tracking.datatype.SystemTrack
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.classification.datatype.Classification
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.engagementplanning.datatype.TrackEngagementStatus
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.defendedarea.datatype.ImpactAssessment
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.tracking.datatype.DroppedSystemTrack
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat.datatype.PrioritizedSystemTrackIdentifiers
model ThreatEvaluation {
    metadata {
        "stereotypes": ["system"]
    input {
        SystemTrack systemTrack
        Classification systemTrackClassification
        TrackEngagementStatus trackEngagementStatus
        ImpactAssessment impactAssessment
        DroppedSystemTrack droppedSystemTrack
    output {
        PrioritizedSystemTrackIdentifiers prioritizedSystemTracks
    scenario calculateTrackPriority {
        when receiving systemTrack
        and receiving impactAssessment
        and receiving systemTrackClassification
        and receiving trackEngagementStatus
        then willPublish prioritizedSystemTracks
    scenario calculateTrackPriorityWhenTrackDropped {
        when receiving droppedSystemTracks
        then willPublish prioritizedSystemTracks

These new scenarios indicate that the system must calculate the priority of a track whenever a related update for that track is received. Likewise, the system must recalculate the priority of tracks when a track is dropped.

We can now move back up the system hierarchy and update the other systems. We won’t be adding any scenarios to these models because we are not interested in their behavior at the moment. Instead, we list the outputs of each system. We can then link the outputs of each system to the inputs of the ThreatEvaluation system. This provides more context as to how the ThreatEvaluation system is utilized in the overall product.

First, we’ll update the Tracker system to output information about tracks:

package com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.tracking
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.tracking.datatype.SystemTrack
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.tracking.datatype.DroppedSystemTrack
model Tracker {
  metadata {
    "stereotypes" : ["system"]
  output {
      SystemTrack systemTrack
      DroppedSystemTrack droppedSystemTrack

Next, we’ll update EngagementPlanner:

package com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.engagementplanning
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.engagementplanning.datatype.TrackEngagementStatus
model EngagementPlanner {
  metadata {
    "stereotypes" : ["system"]
  output {
      TrackEngagementStatus trackEngagementStatus

Finally, we’ll update AreaManager and ObjectClassification:

package com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.defendedarea
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.defendedarea.datatype.ImpactAssessment
model AreaManager {
  metadata {
    "stereotypes" : ["system"]
  output {
      ImpactAssessment impactAssessment

package com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.classification
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.classification.datatype.Classification
model ObjectClassification {
  metadata {
    "stereotypes" : ["system"]
  output {
      Classification systemTrackClassification

At this point, we can create links between the ThreatEvaluation system and the other systems by linking outputs of the other systems to inputs of the ThreatEvaluation system. These links are added to the top level Archipelago model:

Adding links to

package com.ngc.seaside.archipelago
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.tracking.Tracker
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat.ThreatEvaluation
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.engagementplanning.EngagementPlanner
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.defendedarea.AreaManager
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.classification.ObjectClassification
model Archipelago {
  metadata {
    "stereotypes" : ["system", "product"]
  parts {
      ThreatEvaluation threatEval // determines the threat of track objects
      Tracker tracker // tracks objects
      EngagementPlanner planner // creates engagement plans against objects
      AreaManager areaManager // determines the areas or positions impacted or threatened by tracked objects
      ObjectClassification classification // classifies objects
  links {
      link tracker.systemTrack -> threatEval.systemTrack
      link tracker.droppedSystemTrack -> threatEval.droppedSystemTrack
      link planner.trackEngagementStatus -> threatEval.trackEngagementStatus
      link areaManager.impactAssessment -> threatEval.impactAssessment
      link classification.systemTrackClassification -> threatEval.systemTrackClassification

The flow of information from the rest of the system to ThreatEvaluation is now more obvious. We have also verified that all data needs for the system have been met.

Decomposing ThreatEvaluation into Services

We can now turn our attention to the ThreatEvaluation system. The system will be composed of four services. Recall that a track’s priority is computed using data from three sources: engagement, area and position, and classification. A separate service will handle each of these areas. A fourth service will aggregate the results from each service together and produce a consolidate report of track priories. The next iteration would include these four services as parts of the ThreatEvaluation system:

Adding services to

package com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.tracking.datatype.SystemTrack
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.classification.datatype.Classification
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.engagementplanning.datatype.TrackEngagementStatus
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.defendedarea.datatype.ImpactAssessment
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.tracking.datatype.DroppedSystemTrack
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat.datatype.PrioritizedSystemTrackIdentifiers
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat.ClassificationTrackPriorityService
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat.EngagementTrackPriorityService
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat.DefendedAreaTrackPriorityService
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat.TrackPriorityService
model ThreatEvaluation {
    metadata {
        "stereotypes": ["system"]
    input {
        SystemTrack systemTrack
        Classification systemTrackClassification
        TrackEngagementStatus trackEngagementStatus
        ImpactAssessment impactAssessment
        DroppedSystemTrack droppedSystemTrack
    output {
        PrioritizedSystemTrackIdentifiers prioritizedSystemTracks
    scenario calculateTrackPriority {
        when receiving systemTrack
        and receiving impactAssessment
        and receiving systemTrackClassification
        and receiving trackEngagementStatus
        then willPublish prioritizedSystemTracks
    scenario calculateTrackPriorityWhenTrackDropped {
        when receiving droppedSystemTrack
        then willPublish prioritizedSystemTracks
    parts {
        ClassificationTrackPriorityService classificationTrackPriorityService
        EngagementTrackPriorityService engagementTrackPriorityService
        DefendedAreaTrackPriorityService defendedAreaTrackPriorityService
        TrackPriorityService trackPriorityService

All of these services reside in the com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat package.

In order to model each individual service, we need to create a new data structure that the three specific services and the fourth aggregating service will use to exchange information. We’ll place this data in the com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat.datatype package and name it TrackPriority.

We’ll first model the ClassificationTrackPriorityService:

package com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.classification.datatype.Classification
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat.datatype.TrackPriority
model ClassificationTrackPriorityService {
    metadata {
        "stereotypes": ["service"]
    input {
        Classification systemTrackClassification
    output {
        TrackPriority trackPriority
    scenario calculateTrackPriority {
        when receiving systemTrackClassification
        then willPublish trackPriority

This service only has a single responsibility: it must receive the classification of a system track and publish a track priority. The EngagementTrackPriorityService is very similar:

package com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.engagementplanning.datatype.TrackEngagementStatus
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat.datatype.TrackPriority
model EngagementTrackPriorityService {
    metadata {
        "stereotypes": ["service"]
    input {
        TrackEngagementStatus trackEngagementStatus
    output {
        TrackPriority trackPriority
    scenario calculateTrackPriority {
        when receiving trackEngagementStatus
        then willPublish trackPriority

This service only differs in the type of input. The next service is the TrackPriorityService:

package com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat.datatype.PrioritizedSystemTrackIdentifiers
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.tracking.datatype.DroppedSystemTrack
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat.datatype.TrackPriority
model TrackPriorityService {
    metadata {
        "stereotypes": ["service"]
    input {
        TrackPriority trackPriority
        DroppedSystemTrack droppedSystemTrack
    output {
        PrioritizedSystemTrackIdentifiers prioritizedSystemTracks
    scenario calculateConsolidatedTrackPriority {
        when receiving trackPriority
        then willPublish prioritizedSystemTracks
    scenario calculateConsolidatedTrackPriorityWhenTrackDropped {
        when receiving droppedSystemTrack
        then willPublish prioritizedSystemTracks

This service must deal with system tracks which are removed or dropped, hence the extra input and the extra scenario.

Dealing with Multiple Inputs

The final service to model is the DefendedAreaTrackPriorityService. This service requires two inputs and is shown below:

package com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.defendedarea.datatype.ImpactAssessment
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat.datatype.TrackPriority
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.tracking.datatype.SystemTrack
model DefendedAreaTrackPriorityService {
    metadata {
        "stereotypes": ["service"]
    input {
        SystemTrack systemTrack
        ImpactAssessment impactAssessment
    output {
        TrackPriority trackPriority

This service requires a SystemTrack message and an ImpactAssessment message together to compute its output. We can attempt to model this as a scenario as shown below:

Adding a scenario to

package com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.defendedarea.datatype.ImpactAssessment
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat.datatype.TrackPriority
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.tracking.datatype.SystemTrack
model DefendedAreaTrackPriorityService {
    metadata {
        "stereotypes": ["service"]
    input {
        SystemTrack systemTrack
        ImpactAssessment impactAssessment
    output {
        TrackPriority trackPriority
    scenario calculateTrackPriority {
        when receiving impactAssessment
         and receiving systemTrack
        then willPublish trackPriority

The calcuateTrackPriority scenario indicates that any impact assessment and any system track can be used together to publish a track priority. However, the system track message and the impact assessment message must be for the same track. We can utilize the correlate verb to indicate this. Before we update the scenario, we’ll model the data for the SystemTrack and the ImpactAssessment messages:

package com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.tracking.datatype
data SystemTrackIdentifier {
    int trackId

package com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.tracking.datatype
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.tracking.datatype.SystemTrackIdentifier
data SystemTrack {
    SystemTrackIdentifier identifier

package com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.defendedarea.datatype
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.common.datatype.BaseData
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.tracking.datatype.SystemTrackIdentifier
data ImpactAssessment {
    SystemTrackIdentifier systemTrackIdentifier

We needed to model this data because the correlate verb will reference the fields within the data.

Using the correlate verb

scenario calculateTrackPriority {
  when receiving impactAssessment
   and receiving systemTrack
   and correlating systemTrack.identifier.trackId to impactAssessment.systemTrackIdentifier.trackId
  then willPublish trackPriority

This indicates that the received impact assessment and system track must be correlated together by asserting the track ID for the system assessment message and the track ID for the system track message match. Messages received that do not meet this condition will not result in triggering the scenario.

Linking Services Together

The final step is to update the ThreatEvaluation system to link the different services together. In this iteration, we use the links construct to link inputs to the entire system directly to inputs of services.

Adding links to

package com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.tracking.datatype.SystemTrack
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.classification.datatype.Classification
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.engagementplanning.datatype.TrackEngagementStatus
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.defendedarea.datatype.ImpactAssessment
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.tracking.datatype.DroppedSystemTrack
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat.datatype.PrioritizedSystemTrackIdentifiers
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat.ClassificationTrackPriorityService
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat.EngagementTrackPriorityService
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat.DefendedAreaTrackPriorityService
import com.ngc.seaside.archipelago.threat.TrackPriorityService
model ThreatEvaluation {
    metadata {
        "stereotypes": ["system"]
    input {
        SystemTrack systemTrack
        Classification systemTrackClassification
        TrackEngagementStatus trackEngagementStatus
        ImpactAssessment impactAssessment
        DroppedSystemTrack droppedSystemTrack
    output {
        PrioritizedSystemTrackIdentifiers prioritizedSystemTracks
    scenario calculateTrackPriority {
        when receiving systemTrack
        and receiving impactAssessment
        and receiving systemTrackClassification
        and receiving trackEngagementStatus
        then willPublish prioritizedSystemTracks
    scenario calculateTrackPriorityWhenTrackDropped {
        when receiving droppedSystemTrack
        then willPublish prioritizedSystemTracks
    parts {
        ClassificationTrackPriorityService classificationTrackPriorityService
        EngagementTrackPriorityService engagementTrackPriorityService
        DefendedAreaTrackPriorityService defendedAreaTrackPriorityService
        TrackPriorityService trackPriorityService
    links {
        link systemTrackClassification -> classificationTrackPriorityService.systemTrackClassification
        link trackEngagementStatus -> engagementTrackPriorityService.trackEngagementStatus
        link systemTrack -> defendedAreaTrackPriorityService.systemTrack
        link impactAssessment -> defendedAreaTrackPriorityService.impactAssessment
        link droppedSystemTrack -> trackPriorityService.droppedSystemTrack
        link classificationTrackPriorityService.trackPriority -> trackPriorityService.trackPriority
        link engagementTrackPriorityService.trackPriority -> trackPriorityService.trackPriority
        link defendedAreaTrackPriorityService.trackPriority -> trackPriorityService.trackPriority

We now have a complete model of the threat evaluation sub-system of Archipelago and a high level but incomplete model of Archipelago itself.


In this chapter we saw how to model a system from the top down. We saw how to model sub-systems and decompose them into services. We also demonstrated how to completely model a sub-component independent of its sibling components. We were able to model the ThreatEvaluation system by only stubbing the remaining systems.